
Boxes stacked for product rework

Product rework is making a change to a product or its packaging to make it more suitable for a future step in the supply chain. Rework is usually performed on non-conforming product to make it conform to requirements.

For example, if a pasta manufacturer packs 12 bags of pasta in a box, but a retailer only stocks boxes that fit 6 bags, the pasta manufacturer must rework the product so it will fit in the retailer’s shelves.

What is the purpose of product rework?

Managers and business owners don’t want to hear that their product requires rework. But supply chains must engage in rework from time-to-time to ensure that products move toward fulfillment.

Even with the best quality control procedures, mistakes can still happen. That’s why it’s important to have product rework/repair processes in place.

Goals of product rework

There are many goals connected to work procedures that support logistics and lead to a better customer experience and better manufacturing practices.

  • Inspect and test the product before it reaches the customer.
  • Quickly repair defects and minimize rework costs
  • With minimal disruption, reintroduce the product into the supply chain
  • Find the root cause of the problem, and take steps to prevent it from happening again.

Product Inspection and Testing

This is the point of entry for repair and rework practices and falls under the umbrella of manufacturing logistics.

Different types of inspection might be required depending on the product. Some products can be visually inspected, while others will need to be physically tested.

Although visual inspection can be arranged, 100% coverage is not always possible. These situations will make it difficult to find the right balance between speed and testing, greatly impacting the efficiency of the rework process. To reduce costs, some supply chains might include items inspected by contractors offshore.

The Product Repair/Rework Itself

Your product and business will determine the type of repair or rework you need. You can replace an incorrect label, or you could need to replace parts or weld new fixtures and materials.

Sometimes, an error can be so severe that it is best to just throw the item away and send a new one.


Rework can add a lot of variation to the supply chain. That can happen when products are taken out for rework/repair or when they are being reintroduced.

Reworks can become a common occurrence and even lead to a loss of manpower as employees are assigned to these urgent jobs. 

Rework Prevention

While errors are inevitable, most can be avoided. Solid manufacturing logistics processes aim to minimize the possibility of production flaws, whether they are caused by human error, material defect or any other reason.

Data-driven solutions are a great help in this area. To find the most cost-effective and time-efficient solutions, you need to understand the entire situation. To make sure everything runs smoothly, it is important to have accurate data about employee and operator behavior, inspection practices, as well as the nature of reworks.


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